People ask us all the time if can they use their cold cream. A cold cream is an emulsified mix of water and fats that removes make-up and gives a cold sensation. Despite the longevity of cold creams through history (over 2,000 years), modern cold creams contain much more complex ingredients than their ancestors.
We recommend you use the natural soap to remove eye make-up. What if the natural soap doesn’t remove the eye make up? Easy. Just get a small bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. With a cotton pad you can easily remove make up. Afterwards, close your eyes and wash with our natural soap. Rinse.
Keep in mind, Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a very delicate product and should be refrigerated for long term storage. Keep a small bottle of it in your bath and a big bottle in your fridge. If not the fridge, make sure the bottle is tinted, not clear.
Still Not Satisfied?
I know you like that cold sensation. Sometimes the best feeling after being out is a cooling sensation to your face. Try a moisturizer that actually absorbs in the skin and you will forget you ever depended on those cold creams.
Everyone knows too much sun is bad for you. Not everyone knows the average sunscreen is also probably bad for you. Most sunscreens on the market have been inaccurate or misleading for years – they are now facing up to those consequences.
The FDA is now requiring all sunscreen brands to distinguish between UVB protection and the deeper penetrating UVA rays which are known to cause cancer.
Sunscreens with less than SPF 15 will have to have a warning on the label that the product cannot protect from cancer. Many brands have been caught exaggerating the SPF on their products.
Cancer risks? SPF ratings? These are major obstacles to overcome even before figuring out what ingredients to put in! If we were to sell a sunscreen we would need to submit each batch for testing to get an SPF rating. This could take months – even years. There goes the freshness factor.
Don’t get too much OR too little sun – Recommendations We recommend an SPF 30+ if your going to be out in the sun for an extended period. Don’t slather the SPF 30+ on your skin every time you go outside. Just like many get too much sun, there are those of us that get too little sun.
Instances of Vitamin D deficiency has soared as sunblock use has increased. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to skin problems, heart disease, chronic fatigue and even cancer. 15 to 20 minutes in the sun without a sunscreen daily is ideal for us to absorb enough Vitamin D. For us Floridians that is easy – so be wary of your location!
The best sunscreen we’ve came across is the Banana Boat Sport SPF 30. Both quick drying and lotion-free, this is an ideal spray. Neutrogena, Bullfrog and Coppertone all make a variety of these as well. Look for rub-free and lotion-free. Lotion sunscreens are too acidic and may counteract our product.
With the right color – the mineral foundation is almost invisible when applied
Mineral Foundation – A Sunblock?
A good mineral foundation can act as a sunblock. This is ideal for facial protection in any environment. Our mineral foundation contains Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide which are natural UV protectors. They re also known to naturally sooth the skin and known to heal acne.
This mineral foundation worked miracles for me when I was healing from my burns. I had to avoid direct sunlight for my burn and regular sunscreen would irritate the area. The mineral foundation not only hid the scar but it protected it as well.
Think about a time when your skin was at it’s worse. It probably had an oily, greasy feeling that you couldn’t shake. It’s no wonder that you think the last thing your skin could use is a moisturizer containing oil. But that is exactly what I’m recommending you do.
Many people believe that if moisturizers containing oils touch your skin that the oil sits there and clogs pores. Exactly the opposite. As long as the moisturizers are dimethicone-free your moisturizer will act as a carrier by absorbing those oils. Many of these oils have magical effects on our skin:
Jojoba oil – Similar to natural skin oils. Known to soften and moisturize dry/mature skin. Also known to treat skin ailments like psoriasis, dermatitis, oily scalps and acne.
Kukui nut oil – Often used as a skin treatment after major sun exposure. Known to treat acne, eczema, chapped skin and even hemorrhoids.
Tamanu oil – Known to treat dry and delicate skin as well as healing leg ulcers and bruises.
There are literally HUNDREDS of oils with different effects on the skin. The notion that you should use none of these is absurd.
Would you rather your ingredients come from fields or a lab? –
Essential oils are ESSENTIAL
You are robbing yourself if you don’t expose your skin to these amazing oils. While your worrying that oil from cosmetics causes acne, you’re missing out on the oils known to treat acne!
I call oil-free moisturizers concoctions – because that’s what they are. A chemical soup of ingredients often there to replace the presence of what a true moisturizer contains – oils. Here’s a list of the things you typically find in an oil-free moisturizer:
Parabens – Used to extend the shelf life of cosmetics. Parabens are actually a family of several chemicals and are known to disrupt the endocrine system.
EDTA – Dissolves limescale. Also thrown in cosmetics so products don’t bubble up during manufacturing.
Phenoxyethanol – Used as an insect repellant and anesthetic in aquaculture (fish). Also used in cosmetics as a preservative and is known to depress the central nervous system.
Similar to a mother delivering nutrients to a baby by nursing, plants use oils as a way to deliver nutrients to offspring before they sink down roots. Every plant has it’s own formula within their seeds. The skin loves these oils because they are rich in nutrients. So as long as the oils can be carried through the skin (again, this where dimethicone fails) then they provide magical benefits.
A real moisturizer should have oils in it for optimal skin health
Some are allergic to certain nuts and oils. This has provoked widespread fear in the industry to provide any oils – let alone the good ones. If you look at Mayo Clinic’s list of the top ten skin allergens, oils aren’t even there! Mostly artificial fragrances, preservatives and metals found in your average store-bought cosmetics. Allergic reactions to oils happen but they are rare.
A recent customer almost said verbatim what we’ve been saying here:
“This product has been AMAZING for me. Ironically the oils in the product have rejuvenated and softened my skin. The secret is using the right oils your skin needed.“
If you see any cosmetic ad you’ll see the word “exfoliation”. Exfoliation remove the dead skin cells on the surface to give way for new skin. Few topics have such far ranging opinions as exfoliation – some say it causes micro tears while others use the science as an excuse to throw (literal) acids on their face. We’d like to think both are wrong.
Before I explain why a moderate exfoliate is so great, let’s take a look at the skin at the microscopic level. New cells are created at the dermis level. As the cells reach the outer epidermis level, they die. As the body ages so does the process of skin growth. Parts of the skin grow unevenly and you experience dryness and irritation. Exfoliation helps the process of removing this outermost layer. Dead cells can no longer block new ones from surfacing. Pores become unclogged and the skin becomes cleaner overall.
This is where two “schools of thought” form:
Exfoliation causes microscopic tears on the skin and should be avoided – This argument hypothesizes that exfoliation with any sort of roughness should be avoided. They especially bring up the point that crushed nuts or seeds cause microscopic tears as well as any exfoliant using a wash cloth. The problem with this theory is that the skin needs a certain level of roughness to remove the dead skin cells. Softly rubbing fine synthetic grains will exfoliate little. Your skin may even become irritated from these synthetic abrasives.
Effective exfoliation should be done with expensive chemical peels or dermabrasions – “No pain, no gain” is what dermatologists say about this procedure. By pain they mean putting acids on your skin so strong that your skin scabs and can takes weeks even months to recover from. The procedure puts patients at risk from everything from scarring to severe infections. All for supposedly slightly tighter skin with fewer blemishes. Yeah, and popping a pimple has a 100% of getting rid of said pimple. Doesn’t mean we’d recommend it. We don’t believe completely destroying your skin in order to rebuild it better is the answer and especially not if it involves killing most of your skin’s good bacteria.
Choosing between these two “schools of thought” is like choosing between a fitness program that doesn’t allow you to sweat and a program so tough you can’t move for weeks after the first day. Insanity!
We think there’s a reason why people with delicate skin tend to develop the most wrinkles. Their skin is very thin and grows slowly. As their skin scratches it bleeds easily. Extra layers of skin called scars form more easily in these areas. Skin is thin and less adapt to change. You can call this the natural aging process of skin but we think it can be reversed.
What did we learn from exercising about the skin?
During a hard session at the gym, microscopic muscle fibers are being torn. Once that soreness heals your muscles become stronger.. It’s the natural process called hypertrophy. Not only are they stronger but more durable. Our bodies are all about adaptations and repairing.
Exfoliation is no different. You have very sensitive skin? Exfoliate gently and build up. Your skin won’t grow into a dry, calloused mess anymore than you’d turn into a giant bodybuilder by consistently going to the gym. What you will see is the skin becoming stronger. Your body will be healthier and more adapt to change as the lifecycle of your skin is faster. Cuts will health faster.
The facial muscles are important to!
Don’t grow a beard? Try exfoliating your face daily to activate those muscles –
Another benefit of exfoliating is the massaging action you do to your skin. This invigorates the facial muscles. One of the reasons men’s facial skin ages slower than women is the act of shaving. Shaving forces men to use these facial muscles to get every part of the face to elimate the hair. Exfoliation helps but it is a good idea to work these facial muscles daily.
To summarize the consequences of not exfoliating I’ll quote my favorite movie The 40 Year Old Virgin: “Is it true if you don’t use it… You’ll lose it?” I think so.
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YouTube Promotion: An extra bar on your next order is nice… But you want more, right? We’ll throw you a FREE product, any product, of your choice if you record a short video about the products.
Here’s a sample from one of our more enthusiastic customers:
You don’t need to record a an 18 minute video like this (awesome) customer did. A short video just explaining which products you love, which you don’t, how to use it is great. We LOVE these Youtube videos and we want our customers actively participating with us.
One person per promotion, please. Shipping is free.
When Moroccans think of liquid gold they aren’t thinking about petroleum oil. In the small region of Morocco, the thorny Argania Spinosa tree produces a fruit bearing one of the most lucrative oils in the world – Argan oil. This oil has been known to treat everything from discolored skin to improved elasticity and suppleness in skin.
A Berber village typically depends on this rare oil –
Argan oil contains Vitamin E, Carotenes, Squalene and essentially fatty acids. These components heal scar tissue (especially acne scars), treat psoriasis, eczema and even helps undo UV damage to the skin. This oil is even used to improve conditioning in the hair.
As this recent article spotlights, the number of cosmetics that advertise the use of Argan oil has skyrocketed. Two in 2007 to 111 in 2011. The reason why I bold that? The amount this rare, exotic oil is used is usually nil. What’s more appealing than claiming to use a rare, expensive oil from an exotic location? Especially when they only need to (technically) put a few drops in. This is unlikely to demonstrate any of the real benefits of that Argan oil provides.
If a few drops are unlikely to do the trick pure Argan oil must be best, right? Wrong. The oils need a carrier to penetrate deep in the skin. That is what a proper moisturizer does (a silicone-based moisturizer will block most absorption). Choosing between a pure oil and a moisturizer with only a tiny amount is choosing between the lesser of evils. Carley’s Tamanu Cream uses about 5% Argan Oil. And we don’t even advertise the oil!
I first heard about Argan oil from a Mroccan friend that happened to import this oil. It took nothing but a quick pitch for me to have product ideas swirling through my head. Moroccans have used the oil for centuries to treat in particular damaged skin – How about a discoloration cream? An acne scarring cream? Maybe a hair product in the future?
In it’s purest form, the oil is semi-solid while refrigerated. Many oil importers dilute it with cheaper oils. We don’t touch these cheap variations. The Argania Spinosa tree is extracted by native Moroccan women by hand. By peeling the outer layer of the fruit and pounding the the center with a rock, the oil can be extracted from kernels. This is a major source of income for the Berber tribe in Southern Morocco where the income is redistributed – mostly among women. It is estimated that over three million people receive income from Argan oil extraction!
One of the most interesting things about this wonder oil is the tree that bears it’s fruit. Grown in the desert, goats are known to “climb” these trees to reach the precious fruit it bears. Don’t worry about the environmental footprint of this tree. This tree is farmed locally by villages and constantly regrown. No goats were harmed in the making of this post!
“I am allergic to dimethicone and unfortunately it is in everything. I have oily skin that is prone to acne. However, sometimes I think it’s because I’m having a allergic reaction to my shampoo or conditioner or toothpaste. Like I said dimethicone is in everything. Do you have make up, moisturizers, sun screens, hair products and or toothpaste without dimethicone? Desperately seeking a great product without silicone in it, but I live in Hawaii. Is it still free shipping? Thank you in advance for responding to me.” -Debra N.
You along with many others, including me, are allergic to dimethicone, or silicone. it has many other names and is not even required to be listed on the label. it is a menace. manufacturers (even small ones)use it because it makes filling bottles easy. no bubbles or foam. and in hair care it is used to make the hair ‘silky’ but seals the hair shaft and causes the hair to die. we do not use any silicones or dimethicones or anything associated with those chemicals.
Take a look at your store brand moisturizer and glance at the ingredients. Out of all of the unpronounceable names, look for Dimethicone. Also referred to as silicone, Dimethicone has a place in this world. Is that place in your moisturizer?
In order for a moisturizer to restore moisture to the skin it needs to enable the absorption of materials into the skin. Otherwise it’s just something that sits on the skin. Silicone smothers the skin and makes the moisturizer sit on the skin. The greasy feeling you get when you put on that moisturizer with silicone is actually the silicone particles sitting on your skin. If a silicone-based moisturizer is such a walking contradiction, why do companies use silicone?
A major ingredient of Gas-X is Dimethicone
Silicone is used for one reason – to treat bubbles and foam. Bubbles become a major problem when manufacturing in large quantities. Without silicone, that product of yours will come in the mail half full after all of the air bubbles popped. Now it makes sense why Gas-X would use this ingredient (it fights gas). A silicone-based moisturizer may also contain a more consistent feel. Some may experience side effects such as irritated skin including rash and stinging.
By appearance these store brand moisturizers look great. They may feel great at first. But they do little. Those precious oils you hear about on the labels don’t even go in the skin. We will neverput silicone in our products for this very reason. That means hand topping off every product for getting rid of air bubbles. This also means more care is put into the manufacture. Only a few hundred bottles are made a time for this reason. Next time you put one of our moisturizers on your skin, notice how fast it absorbs into your skin. You’ll stay moisturized longer without it sitting on your skin. That’s a real moisturizer!
Quick tip for all of you body wash users: Adding water will return the wash to consistency .
We’re happy to finally made a body wash that didn’t have to be a chemical stew. The trade off is that the consistency can be uneven over time. Especially when the bottle gets low. Just add about 1/2” of water, shake… Voila, the consistency returns to normal!
Our men and women in uniform go through a lot. They may be tough but their skin can be just as sensitive as anyone else’s – if not more. The locales they are deployed to – such as Afghanistan and Iraq – are often disastrous for their skin.
“I am deployed in Iraq right now and had my year supply of Industrial Strength Clear and Smooth and a bunch of people bought the 8 bottles off of me cause everyone’s skin is either dry or broken out from this place. Clear and Smooth is the new crack over here. If u sent extra samples and i throw them in a box for people in the Tactical Operations Center you could be getting a ton of customers soon. I just want to say thanks for keeping my skin looking good for almost 4 years.” – Carla
Reading these really brings a smile to our faces. Not the “crack” comment (though that’s hilarious!). The sheer joy that so many brave men and women are getting out of this stuff. Check out this video from Ray, a military Captain who has been with us since the beginning.
Happy Memorial Day! Thank you for everything you men and women do.
One of our customers recently told us, that she would never buy anything from the Amazon Rainforest. She, of course, was afraid we were contributing to the deforestation. The opposite is true. The natives derive valuable income collecting fruit from these ancient Cupuaçu trees. Cupuaçu grows wild in the Amazon Rainforest. I repeat: No clear cut farming, these trees grow wild. Your purchase helps to support these indigenous people.
Same is true for most of the ingredients we use. We pay top price for the best ingredients. Whenever possible our ingredients are of the “raw” variety. This is much closer to the way nature intended it. Most companies turn seemingly exotic ingredients such as Shea butter into industrial paste using chemicals such as hexane. We purchase this same butter directly by indigenous tribes of Africa. You will notice each tribe provides their own signature color and method of extraction. The difference in quality in these types of seemingly common ingredients is striking. This is where environmental responsibility and a better product go hand-in-hand!