Carley’s Clear & Smooth does not have a large advertising budget. We’ve found that our company’s expenses lean enables us to better focus on you, the customer. Without massive advertising expenses we keep overhead low so they can be affordable and made of the highest quality. Despite our lack of budget, customers and bloggers love to talk about Carley’s Clear & Smooth. Here are some press mentions, blog reviews and review websites that mention us., a popular acne review resource that lets users rate acne products currently has Carley’s Clear & Smooth rated one of the top five most popular and highest rated product lines at 4.24/5 average rating.
Naturally Beautiful – Beauty Over 50 TV Segment w/ Host Adrienne Janic

Jenny Karl of Jenny Karl Hair & Makeup Agency’s Favorite Affordable Beauty Products
“I use this eye cream on my clients daily. It’s great for sensitive skin.”
So you know what I use on my hair — what about my skin? – Alex JouJou at The Wavy Tales
“I have received so many compliments on my skin after I started using this stuff. HIGHLY recommended!”

How I Cleared Up my Adult Acne (Thank you Carley’s Clear & Smooth) – Kerry Monaghan
“Carley’s has great reviews all over the internet for their Clear & Smooth Acne Treatment. I ordered a bottle and it came with a bar of their natural soap. Their prices are awesome, ingredients are natural, no testing on animals, customer service is friendly, shipping is fast, and you can return any products that don’t work out. I had nothing to lose.”
I am DONE with Acne! My Skin is CLEAR!! – PrissyGreen
“So I have some updated photos and wanted to tell you with out any reservation, that Carley’s Clear and Smooth has worked for me! Kicked some major acne a$$!”

Your Essential Skin Prescription for Acne Prone and Problem Skin – Diva Village
“For your cleansing needs, you need to get your hands on the all natural, hand-made soap from Carley’s Clear and Smooth. This soap has changed my life. It comes in bar form and can be used on the face and the body. It is virtually unscented and makes your skin feel unbelievably clean. It’s good for any skin type and great for men who like to keep things simple. Make sure you cleanse your skin day and night. You can’t even imagine what attaches to your skin (and clogs your precious pores) in just a day, so make sure you don’t go to bed without cleansing.”
Slightly Single in LA Movie Set Photos with Makeup Artist Jenny Karl

Product Credits in Gorezone Magazine

Clear & Smooth Review – Opinion Queen
“The results were fabulous! My skin was super soft and my acne seemed to be healing even after just a few days. As with any acne product, you do have to use it for a few weeks before you can really decide if it is working for you or not.”
Solving skin problems, one spot at a time – Egab
“This is easily the best thing on the market in regards to acne treatment. I’ve been using this stuff for about a year now, and it is AMAZING. My skin cleared up within the first week of using it and has stayed clear since. I’ve reccomended it to friends and family, who it worked just as well for. This stuff is phenomenal.”