We first start with Mowrah butter from the Indian butter tree. Mowrah Butter might be the most slickest and lubricating oils on the planet. Great for shaving!
Slowly melting the butter
Don’t want it to get too hot
Now set it aside. Time to prepare the other ingredients
Now for the Vegetable Waxes, Glycerin & DL -Panthenol, Ready for boiling and Reverse Osmosis Purified Water. Making sure to get the temperature just right before adding the oils!
Now adding the butter, everything is tightly controlled. Temperature, Speed even the size of the mixing tools. Tools even have to be changed as the mixture thickens.
Now into a quick Ice bath
On to the giant mixer for the last mix for that extra thick & whipped Shaving Butter!
I want you to imagine getting rid of your acne as mountain you are going to climb. Going up is tough. The reward is at the top of the mountain. It is going to be tiring and stressful and it will seem like it is not worth it. That is what our product is like for some people. Yes, it is tough at first. When you the reach the top of the mountain, your skin will change. Your skin balances. Your skin will become soft supple and healthy. Always clear too. However, you have to get to the top of the mountain first. Most people who follow our directions reach this point after about two to six weeks.
Why so long?
What you have been using in the past has damaged your skin. Benzoyl peroxide is a remarkably effective ingredient. How long it continues to work depends on how it is used. If left on the skin for extended periods (along with acids), the damage can be severe. This is why you have sensitive skin. Your skin is so stressed it is producing large amounts of oil and telling you to avoid benzoyl peroxide.
Let me give you an analogy. There is a product out there called Ambien. It helps people sleep. In fact, it is a miracle in a bottle for people who cannot sleep. However, if you use it for too long, you quickly become dependent on it. Sleeping without it becomes impossible. In addition, you cannot use it long term because it starts affecting your brain and memory function. Therefore, you must gradually withdraw from Ambien. I know because this happened to me recently. I stay up late answering emails. This makes it difficult for me to sleep. After my doctor stopped my refills, I knew I had to quit. It was not easy, but I kicked it.
Benzoyl peroxide is also a wonderful effective ingredient. However, if left on the skin for more than 30 minutes a day, long term, it has a real wicked side. It damages the good natural flora your skin needs to be healthy. That is where you are. That other product’s skin wash is a powerful combination of acids and benzoyl peroxide that has put you in this situation. Their product keeps us busy.
What our system does is helps the skin to restore the natural flora to your skin. You have to reach the top of the mountain for our product to work. The soapy washcloth sweeps all of the benzoyl peroxide from the pores of your skin. If you do not do that then the benzoyl peroxide stays on your skin in the pores, just like an ointment. When used correctly, at first there will be some dryness and irritation, but eventually your skin will balance. Of course, our product is much more than just benzoyl peroxide. Clear & Smooth is a system that delivers massive amounts of nutrients into your skin.
Clear & Smooth only has 2% Benzoyl Peroxide while most use more than 5%
So how did we learn about short contact with benzoyl peroxide working?
I am allergic to benzoyl peroxide. Nevertheless, it was so effective I had to come up with a way for it to work with short-term contact. That is where the soapy washcloth came in. At first, I thought it was just me. We noticed others who did not have this allergy also saw wonderful long-term results with short contact. Some took a while. Those that did not follow our routine in the beginning eventually saw our product stop working (even if it worked for awhile).
Our moisturizers do not clog pores and that does not cause acne, anyway. How your skin deals with the ever-present bacteria determines how clear your skin is. Right now, your skin is defenseless. That is why it is so sensitive. We have helped many people in your situation. This is why we want you to avoid other skin care products. Everything out there is too acidic. Our pH neutral daytime moisturizer for acne prone skin works wonderfully under a mineral powder foundation.
Here is what I would like you to do for super sensitive skin.
About 5 minutes before your shower, paint the areas most problematic with a thin layer of our product
Next get in the shower and rinse off our product. Forget about scrubbing at this point
Take a fresh clean washcloth and make it soapy
Use this washcloth, gently washing the areas you are treating. Rinse thoroughly. Even if it hurts, do this
Gradually work into gently scrubbing with our acne treatment. It might be a week or so before you can do it. Do not get discouraged!
If you see any cosmetic ad you’ll see the word “exfoliation”. Exfoliation remove the dead skin cells on the surface to give way for new skin. Few topics have such far ranging opinions as exfoliation – some say it causes micro tears while others use the science as an excuse to throw (literal) acids on their face. We’d like to think both are wrong.
Before I explain why a moderate exfoliate is so great, let’s take a look at the skin at the microscopic level. New cells are created at the dermis level. As the cells reach the outer epidermis level, they die. As the body ages so does the process of skin growth. Parts of the skin grow unevenly and you experience dryness and irritation. Exfoliation helps the process of removing this outermost layer. Dead cells can no longer block new ones from surfacing. Pores become unclogged and the skin becomes cleaner overall.
This is where two “schools of thought” form:
Exfoliation causes microscopic tears on the skin and should be avoided – This argument hypothesizes that exfoliation with any sort of roughness should be avoided. They especially bring up the point that crushed nuts or seeds cause microscopic tears as well as any exfoliant using a wash cloth. The problem with this theory is that the skin needs a certain level of roughness to remove the dead skin cells. Softly rubbing fine synthetic grains will exfoliate little. Your skin may even become irritated from these synthetic abrasives.
Effective exfoliation should be done with expensive chemical peels or dermabrasions – “No pain, no gain” is what dermatologists say about this procedure. By pain they mean putting acids on your skin so strong that your skin scabs and can takes weeks even months to recover from. The procedure puts patients at risk from everything from scarring to severe infections. All for supposedly slightly tighter skin with fewer blemishes. Yeah, and popping a pimple has a 100% of getting rid of said pimple. Doesn’t mean we’d recommend it. We don’t believe completely destroying your skin in order to rebuild it better is the answer and especially not if it involves killing most of your skin’s good bacteria.
Choosing between these two “schools of thought” is like choosing between a fitness program that doesn’t allow you to sweat and a program so tough you can’t move for weeks after the first day. Insanity!
We think there’s a reason why people with delicate skin tend to develop the most wrinkles. Their skin is very thin and grows slowly. As their skin scratches it bleeds easily. Extra layers of skin called scars form more easily in these areas. Skin is thin and less adapt to change. You can call this the natural aging process of skin but we think it can be reversed.
What did we learn from exercising about the skin?
During a hard session at the gym, microscopic muscle fibers are being torn. Once that soreness heals your muscles become stronger.. It’s the natural process called hypertrophy. Not only are they stronger but more durable. Our bodies are all about adaptations and repairing.
Exfoliation is no different. You have very sensitive skin? Exfoliate gently and build up. Your skin won’t grow into a dry, calloused mess anymore than you’d turn into a giant bodybuilder by consistently going to the gym. What you will see is the skin becoming stronger. Your body will be healthier and more adapt to change as the lifecycle of your skin is faster. Cuts will health faster.
The facial muscles are important to!
Don’t grow a beard? Try exfoliating your face daily to activate those muscles – freedigitalphotos.net
Another benefit of exfoliating is the massaging action you do to your skin. This invigorates the facial muscles. One of the reasons men’s facial skin ages slower than women is the act of shaving. Shaving forces men to use these facial muscles to get every part of the face to elimate the hair. Exfoliation helps but it is a good idea to work these facial muscles daily.
To summarize the consequences of not exfoliating I’ll quote my favorite movie The 40 Year Old Virgin: “Is it true if you don’t use it… You’ll lose it?” I think so.