The Newest Way to Keep your Acne Under Control is with Spot Control

Our new Green Tea Acne Spot Control allows you to naturally keep your skin health in check.

Since 1999 we’ve been producing unique, effective acne products. We see so many new customers come to us maxed out on spot treatments. Due to this addiction, some take several weeks for us to help them with our acne scrubs. So our opinion of spot treatments has always been ‘NO WAY, NO HOW!’

This is due to the majority of spot treatments using harsh acids and/or benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient. Even the so-called “natural treatments” are very acidic. Long-term contact works for a while. Then the skin eventually adapts.

This is why we’ve created a natural treatment that isn’t harsh for the skin. Containing powdered green tea leaves AND seven exciting therapeutic essential oils, this spot control helps your skin maintain and repair health.

Take a look for yourself what Green Tea can do for your skin at Carley’s Store.

